Pack Meeting

Mt. Pisgah UMC

All scouts and parent/guardians should plan to attend if at all possible; Pack meetings are where we recognize and celebrate scouts' achievements together, give awards, and share important information. Scouts […]

Den Meetings (Pinewood Derby cut-out)

Mt. Pisgah UMC

The meetings include announcements from the leaders, den time where each den breaks off from the pack and learns a skill or completes a rank advancement activity, and usually some […]

Den Meetings

Mt. Pisgah UMC

The meetings include announcements from the leaders, den time where each den breaks off from the pack and learns a skill or completes a rank advancement activity, and usually some […]

Den Meetings (Retirement Community Visit / TBD)

Mt. Pisgah UMC

The meetings include announcements from the leaders, den time where each den breaks off from the pack and learns a skill or completes a rank advancement activity, and usually some […]

Den Meetings (Pinewood Derby cut-out)

Mt. Pisgah UMC

The meetings include announcements from the leaders, den time where each den breaks off from the pack and learns a skill or completes a rank advancement activity, and usually some […]

Den Meetings

Mt. Pisgah UMC

The meetings include announcements from the leaders, den time where each den breaks off from the pack and learns a skill or completes a rank advancement activity, and usually some […]

Pinewood Derby Setup

Mt. Pisgah UMC

The Pack needs volunteers to help set up the Derby track, seating, etc. Details to be provided.